Digital marketing and web design fundamentals
"Digital marketing and web design fundamentals" is part of the virtual tutored training of Madrid Emprende, which are training actions related to topics of interest both to undertake a […]
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"Digital marketing and web design fundamentals" is part of the virtual tutored training of Madrid Emprende, which are training actions related to topics of interest both to undertake a […]
In this workshop we will evaluate the need to have a global digital marketing plan, and we will provide the knowledge and techniques to work on it. We will also see the fundamentals of Web design […]
Los asistentes a este curso podrán aprender nuevos conceptos y actualizar sus conocimientos sobre información financiera para lanzar un proyecto emprendedor, hacer crecer su empresa o negocio o acelerar su carrera y acceder a mejores puestos de trabajo en áreas relacionadas. Objetivo Que los asistentes al curso puedan manejar los conceptos clave para comprender la […]