Fundamentals of Big Data. 1st edition of 2023
"Fundamentals of Big Data" is part of the tutored virtual training of Madrid Emprende, which are training actions related to topics of interest both to undertake a business project and […]
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"Fundamentals of Big Data" is part of the tutored virtual training of Madrid Emprende, which are training actions related to topics of interest both to undertake a business project and […]
In this workshop "Itinerary II. Fundamentals of the business plan. Economic-financial plan and financing" the strategies and tools that will allow planning and developing a business plan will be discovered. In addition, […]
Are you curious about nutrition? What is a protein? How many types of lipids are there? Are all carbohydrates the same? This Madrid Food Innovation Hub course aims to acquire basic knowledge in nutrition and provide fundamental concepts to understand what a balanced and healthy diet is made up of. The nutrition […]
Achieving a presence in the network of networks is an increasingly complex task for startups and companies. The saturation of information that we face, and at the same time the number of options available to the user, in many cases cause corporate messages to go almost unnoticed. In this training we will focus […]
Do you want to create a strong and solid team? Much attention to this formation! In this training you will learn to retain talent within your company, as well as to direct, manage and […]
En el curso «Emprende y financia tu negocio con crowdfunding» se impartirán 2 bloques de contenidos: Consejos para emprender Consejos para emprender Los imprescindibles del plan de negocio Modelos de negocio 2023 Financia tu modelo de negocio con crowdfunding Tipos de crowdfunding Plataformas Casos de éxito Consejos para elaborar una campaña de crowdfunding Business angels […]