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Fundamentals of Big Data. 1st edition of 2023

"Fundamentals of Big Data" is part of the tutored virtual training of Madrid Emprende, which are training actions related to topics of interest both to undertake a business project and […]


Nutrition program applied to new food business models

Are you curious about nutrition? What is a protein? How many types of lipids are there? Are all carbohydrates the same? This Madrid Food Innovation Hub course aims to acquire basic knowledge in nutrition and provide fundamental concepts to understand what a balanced and healthy diet is made up of. The nutrition […]


Legal aspects in negotiations: agreements and contracts


Do you have legal questions about your business? Do you want to learn how to make a contract with other companies? In this training you will learn what are the most important legal aspects related to contracts […]


Procedures and key steps to internationalize a company: logistics and operations

Training designed to facilitate the action plan that any company that decides to start selling physical goods abroad must take into account to set up its international supply chain. After seeing a typical scenario, we will analyze some typical particular cases, emphasizing the different ways of approaching each one of them. Ease […]


Blue Ocean Strategy and Business Models

Nespresso, a subsidiary of the Nestlé group, managed to revolutionize a mature industry with limited profitability where soluble coffee and roasted coffee predominated. With a new business model […]


Brainstorming workshop in the orange economy

Coworking of the Pipo Velasco Youth Center (Usera) Calle Avena 5, Madrid

Don't miss the “Brainstorming workshop in the orange economy” and reserve your place! Brainstorming is an action-oriented 100% methodology. This methodology allows entrepreneurs and […]

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