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Fundamentals of the business plan. Financial economic plan and financing. 1st edition 2023


"Fundamentals of the business plan. Financial economic plan and financing" is part of the Madrid Emprende tutored virtual training, which are training actions related to topics of interest both for starting a business project and for improving an existing company. It is an online training assisted by an expert tutor, which will be developed […]


Itinerary II. Social entrepreneurship, sustainability and CSR

Do you want your company to be more sustainable? Don't miss our "Itinerary II. Social entrepreneurship, sustainability and CSR"! There will be three days in which the characteristics of social entrepreneurship and the differences with the social enterprise will be shown. The fundamental components on which to act for the management of sustainability will also be discussed [...]


Build your business idea

Vicálvaro Nursery C/ Villablanca, 85, Madrid

The AVANZA Program launches its course of 4 training workshops focused on creating a personal brand and business idea. The workshop is aimed at people who have […]


TikTok Ads: Get the most out of advertising


Taller teórico práctico que explicará una introducción al concepto de publicidad en TikTok y cómo optimizar campañas en TikTok Ads, tarea fundamental para rentabilizar al máximo tu dinero y conseguir […]


Create your fashion company

Moratalaz Nursery C/ Camino de los Vinateros, 106, Madrid

Programa Esta formación se divide en dos bloques: 1ª parte: industria de la moda La industria de la moda Cadena de valor de la moda Modelos de negocio de moda […]

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