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Fundamentals of the business plan. Financial economic plan and financing. 1st edition 2023


"Fundamentals of the business plan. Financial economic plan and financing" is part of the Madrid Emprende tutored virtual training, which are training actions related to topics of interest both for starting a business project and for improving an existing company. It is an online training assisted by an expert tutor, which will be developed […]


Land your business idea

Turn your idea into a business! In this training you will be able to acquire the knowledge to go from an abstract business idea to something tangible and that can be turned into a […]


Experiencia de usuario en la creación de productos y servicios


En esta formación aprenderemos sobre todo el viaje del cliente hasta la conversión, los pasos previos y posteriores al momento de compra. Además, analizaremos las principales herramientas para optimizar la experiencia del cliente y hacer nuestro modelo de negocio basado en las personas, sus gustos e intereses y así optimizar el proceso de ventas. El […]


Itinerary III. Digital transformation and creation of technology-based companies

Carabanchel business incubator C/ Cidro 3, Madrid

Do you want to learn how to transform your company in the digital field? Sign up for "Itinerary III. Digital transformation and creation of technology-based companies"! In this workshop we will take a tour of the fundamental components of the business, which influence the improvement of competitiveness through the implementation of digital processes and their implementation […]

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