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Master digital marketing and grow your business in the online world! (On-line)


itaala2ª edición del curso de "Marketing digital y fundamentos de diseño web", una formación online asistida por un tutor experto que se desarrollará entre el 12 de septiembre y 10 de octubre del 2023. Ya puedes realizar tu preinscripción y días antes del inicio del curso recibirás la confirmación de admisión en esta actividad formativa. […]


Innovation and technology: the path to the creation of technology-based companies (online)

.th edition of the "Digital transformation and creation of technology-based companies" course, an online training assisted by an expert tutor that will take place between September 26 and October 24, 2023. You can now pre-register and days before the At the beginning of the course you will receive confirmation of admission to this activity […]


Training program to undertake in food

Madrid Food Innovation Hub Paseo de Alberto Palacios 13, Madrid

Are you interested in the food sector and are you thinking about starting a business? Do you have an idea that helps the food sector and don't know how to put it into action? From Madrid Food […]


Improve your communication skills to achieve personal and professional success. Itinerary I

Carabanchel business incubator C/ Cidro 3, Madrid

Do you have a project and don't know how to communicate your business idea? Don't miss the next workshop “Communication and elevator pitch”! In this workshop we will see that the ability to express an idea is as important or more than the idea itself, knowing what to say, saying it precisely and above all how to say it, will open your […]


Problem solving and decision making in uncertain environments

Sign up for our next business training! Acquire the necessary methodology in problem-solving and decision-making processes, working on the knowledge and techniques necessary to control the emotional factor in decision-making. Program: Fundamentals and main difficulties in problem solving and decision making. Identification of the type of decisions […]

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