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Discover the power of big data: transform your organization and boost your business with smart data (online)


2nd edition of the "Big Data Fundamentals" course, an online training assisted by an expert tutor that will take place between October 24 and November 21, 2023. You can now pre-register and days before the start of the course you will receive the confirmation of admission to this training activity. You will not be able to access the content of the […]


Key aspects that cannot be missing in your business

Moratalaz Nursery C/ Camino de los Vinateros, 106, Madrid

Cómo identificar aspectos claves que no pueden faltar en tu negocio. Objetivo: Este taller capacitará al participante para identificar, entender y desarrollar, de una forma sencilla y resumida, los aspectos claves que no pueden faltar en su negocio. Durante el curso, además de conocer la teoría relativa a los aspectos claves que no pueden faltar […]


For your project to be successful, you need a plan. Itinerary II

Carabanchel business incubator C/ Cidro 3, Madrid

Come to the workshop “Fundamentals of the Business Plan. Economic-Financial and Financing Plan” and identifies and defines the key elements that will help you monetize your idea, Business Model Canvas, […]


Social entrepreneurship


¡Apúntate a nuestro próximo curso sobre emprendimiento social! ¿Cuál es su objetivo? Dar a conocer modelos de negocio con objetivo y compromiso social sin renunciar a ser rentables y viables, a través de casos de éxito de emprendimiento social. Programa 15:00 – 17:00 El emprendimiento social: El poder de las empresas y de las personas […]


Digital Kit! Help to enhance the digitalization of your brand

Madrid Food Innovation Hub Paseo de Alberto Palacios 13, Madrid

We are opening registration for the training session “Digital Kit: help to enhance the digitalization of your brand”, taught by Luis Vega, business director of Mousee. During this session […]

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