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Unleash your entrepreneurial potential: master the fundamentals of lean startup (online)


2nd edition of the "Fundamentals of lean startup" course, an online training assisted by an expert tutor that will take place between November 14 and December 12, 2023. You can now pre-register and days before the start of the course You will receive confirmation of admission to this training activity. You will not be able to access […]


New opportunities in the Smart Cities environment

Carabanchel business incubator C/ Cidro 3, Madrid

Canceled Do you know all the business opportunities that exist in the Smart Cities market? During this face-to-face session, a global vision of the Smart sector will be given […]


In search of the public contract. Itinerary II

Attend the workshop "Public procurement for SMEs and entrepreneurs" and learn about the functioning of the public sector and its bidding procedures, learn how to identify business opportunities with the sector […]

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