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Your online presence as a key to success. Itinerary III

Carabanchel business incubator C/ Cidro 3, Madrid

Do you know the importance of having a good digital marketing plan? Learn everything related to this topic in our training itinerary "Digital Marketing and Web Design Fundamentals"! Come to […]


Optimize your budget in Facebook Ads campaigns


Do you want to learn how to manage a social media marketing campaign? In the online training “Optimize your budget in Facebook Ads campaigns” you will learn how to manage your budget and resources […]


How to use marketing to sell

Vivero from Puente de Vallecas C/ Diligence, 9, Madrid

Discover the different tools that marketing puts at the service of companies to sell more. Objective: Learn how to make a marketing plan, how to apply the fields of marketing […]


Sustainable entrepreneurship with Hospitality Madrid

Madrid Food Innovation Hub Paseo de Alberto Palacios 13, Madrid

Training program in sustainable entrepreneurship, a fundamental and increasingly relevant topic, with Hostelería Madrid. Who is it addressed to? Entrepreneurs and startups interested in building the future […]

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