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Storytelling in marketing: strategies to impact your audience

¿Crees que transmites efectivamente el potencial de tu negocio o ideas? La realidad es que un cliente no compra lo que vendes, sino cómo lo vendes. Para ello, la técnica del storytelling es la fórmula más utilizada para generar impacto en el cliente potencial. En el networking presencial “Storytelling en marketing: estrategias para impactar a […]


Persuasive communication in digital environments: SPLENDOR method

Boost your persuasive communication skills in the digital world with the SPLENDOR method! In this unique online training, taught by Almudena Miranda Jiménez, professor of the Master's Degree in Creativity and Strategic Planning in Advertising at the Complutense University of Madrid, you will discover the keys to impact and connect with your audience in digital environments. Through […]


Improve your communication skills to achieve personal and professional success. Itinerary I

Do you have a project and don't know how to communicate your business idea? Don't miss the next workshop “Communication and elevator pitch”! In this workshop we will see that the ability to express an idea is as important or more than the idea itself, knowing what to say, saying it precisely and above all how to say it, will open your […]

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