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emotional intelligence

In a practical way, and working with the dimensions of communication, we will identify our own and others' basic emotions and recognize the tools to manage them. Objective: Identify your own and other people's emotions, recognize how they participate in the decision-making of our clients and suppliers and train the necessary skills to manage them effectively. Program: […]


The profitable business vision

Sign up for our next training on entrepreneurship promotion! Learn about the successful vision of the future, effective planning for the present, to make entrepreneurial projects profitable. Objective: Identify objectives, key activities to make the business profitable. Taking into account the available resources and the motivation necessary to achieve them. Program: Business vision. Mandala vision exercise […]


Coffee break with Gravity Wave

We invite you to a coffee break with Gravity Wave, the pioneering startup in The Plastic Free Ocean Movement. At this meeting the brand will tell how it has been able to start from scratch to become an inspiration for other companies, promoting an environmental cause as important as the reduction of plastic in the oceans. The main objective of this activity […]

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