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Protect your business data: Privacy in the digital age

Data protection has become an extremely important aspect for businesses. This training will provide you with the necessary knowledge in relation to the main legal and practical challenges involved in data protection in the business world. The key aspects of data protection will be covered in detail, […]


Master your SEM strategy: succeed in online search

Immerse yourself in the world of SEM (Search Engine Marketing) to enhance the visibility and success of your business. The online training “Master your SEM strategy: succeed in the search […]


Storytelling in marketing: strategies to impact your audience

¿Crees que transmites efectivamente el potencial de tu negocio o ideas? La realidad es que un cliente no compra lo que vendes, sino cómo lo vendes. Para ello, la técnica del storytelling es la fórmula más utilizada para generar impacto en el cliente potencial. En el networking presencial “Storytelling en marketing: estrategias para impactar a […]

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