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Presentation of the book “The Accountability Partner leader”

¡Ven a la presentación del libro El líder Accountability Partner en nuestro próximo networking! El próximo jueves 25 de enero en nuestro vivero, llevaremos a cabo la presentación del nuevo libro de Gustavo Yepes y otros coautores: El líder Accountability Partner. Se trata de un libro único en su estilo. Aborda, por primera vez en […]


Effective time management for entrepreneurs

Do you feel like you do a lot of tasks but you don't get the expected results? Do you spend your days putting out fires and you're not a firefighter? Come to the training "Effective time management for entrepreneurs". The entrepreneur ecosystem is very volatile and complex. It requires many hours of effort, analysis and intuition to generate contacts, attract […]


The power of leadership: manage your team with vision

In the training "The power of leadership: manage your team with vision" we will discuss the differences between influence and persuasion, the concept of good and bad bosses, the competencies of the 21st century leader, the evolution of leadership models and the Hersey model and Blanchard. It will be a practical session to learn how to lead and manage […]

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