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Your online presence as a key to success. Itinerary III

Do you know the importance of having a good digital marketing plan? Learn everything related to this topic in our training itinerary "Digital Marketing and Web Design Fundamentals"! Come to this workshop and define the strategy to increase your sales, identify your target audience or buyer persona, and learn the actions and tools to achieve […]


Digital marketing and web design fundamentals. 1st edition 2023

"Marketing digital y fundamentos de diseño web" forma parte de la formación virtual tutorizada de Madrid Emprende, que son acciones formativas relacionadas con temáticas de interés tanto para emprender un proyecto empresarial como para la mejora de una empresa existente. Es una formación online asistida por un tutor experto, que se desarrollará entre marzo y […]


Digital marketing and web design fundamentals

"Digital marketing and web design fundamentals" is part of the virtual tutored training of Madrid Emprende, which are training actions related to topics of interest both to undertake a […]

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