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Latest Past Events

Generate positive impact in your community. Itinerary II

Carabanchel business incubator C/ Cidro 3, Madrid

Do you want your company to be more sustainable? Don't miss the workshop “Social Entrepreneurship, Sustainability and CSR”! Incorporate innovation and social impact into your project, integrate social responsibility into your venture and learn about the ecosystem of sustainable businesses, social enterprises and their opportunities. Objective The objective is to provide the concepts and realize […]


How to measure diversity management in your company

Vicálvaro Nursery C/ Villablanca, 85, Madrid

You will learn the importance of generating inclusive work environments that defend people's rights, in addition to promoting the comprehensive development of companies with values. In this meeting space, you will be able to learn how Red Acoge manages diverse talent to incorporate it into leading companies in the development of Responsibility policies […]

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